The world faces complex social and environmental challenges to achieve sustainable development.
Extreme poverty
167 Million People
live on less than $1.90 USD/day
Water stress
2 Billion People
are affected by water stress
Air polution
9 out of 10 people
live in health hazard polluted cities
Women inequalit
1 out of 5 woman
are subject to violence by an intimate partner
Children iliteracy
9% of children
are out of primary school
Global warming
1.1°C in temperature
increase since pre-industrial period
World leaders signed an agenda for sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs), committing to free humanity from poverty, secure a healthy planet and build an inclusive society.
From: United Nations (2017) – The Sustainable Development Goals Report
The cost of achieving the SDGs is USD$11.5 Trillion. The estimated funding gap is: USD$3.1 Trillion
How are we going to pay for this?

Domestic Resources

Philantropic Giving

Development Assistance
The private sector should play a significant role in building, funding and operating real solutions to the world’s most endemic problems.
From: Guido Schmidt-Traub (2015) – Investment Needs to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Redirecting 1.3% of assets managed by the private sector (capital markets) will cover SDG funding gap

$218USD Trillion
Broad universe of assets under professional management
$3.1USD Trillion
$218USD Trillion
Broad universe of assets under professional management
$3.1USD Trillion